Neo also makes an appearance, but only as a character who fights alongside players from time to time. Players assume the role of either Niobe, a ship captain played by Jada Pinkett Smith in the film, or Ghost, a weapons expert and love interest of Trinity. But the game just has too many issues for me to excuse the poor framerate and lack of content.The first game inspired by The Matrix series of films features an original storyline with characters and choreography from the second movie, The Matrix: Reloaded. And I love the designs of the level's themselves from a conceptual standpoint. I love the minigame's (basically orb missions in this game). So I have beef with it because I see where it had good ideas.

I know there are quite a few but that is simply just embarrassing from a quality assurance standpoint.

Sometimes Spyro says completely the wrong name for the dragonfly you just caught. The concept is fine, but half of the time I go for a dragonfly and clearly hit it with the breath it doesn't register and that is maddening. Personally.I hate bubble breath in practice. Hunter is actually used well, but Crush and Gulp? Might as well have kept them dead for as much as they actually impact the story. Bianca literally only shows up at the beginning to give you bubble breath and then just effs off somewhere. It has some backtracking that just feels like a slog because you spend so much time running from point to point to do one thing and it takes forever.

Take a level like Crop Circle Country for example. Like they are just too wide and can feel awkward to navigate because you just watch spyro run across empty fields for upwards of ten seconds at a time. The levels themselves tend to be really really big (way too big) and as a result feel empty and lifeless. Also YOTD came out on the PS1 so having only 9 levels and one boss fight in comparison for the first Spyro game on PS2 just felt wrong to a lot of folks. There are only 9 levels in Spyro 4 compared to YOTD which had 28 levels, 4 boss fights, and a handful of secret levels plus a secret boss fight. I myself tend to enjoy glitches, but the glitches in this game make it downright miserable to play sometimes and can ruin the experience. It struggles so hard to run at a framerate that it cannot consistantly achieve that it causes some people (like myself) massive headaches from the constant stuttering. The game does not run at a solid framerate. The dev team was put under severe crunch and as such the game ends up lacking the polish/amount of content that other previous spyro games had. I have a love/hate (but mostly hate) relationship with the game because of what it could have been. It is a game that is full of potential! Had the dev team had two more years or so to work on it it could have been amazing! The problem comes down to a few key things.