This study involved 1,287 students in Indonesia. This study tested the validity, reliability and assumptions of the hypothetical model of the scientific communication skills inventory (SCSI) instrument developed. Therefore, we developed an instrument to measure SCS according to the characteristics of students in Indonesia. The existing instruments, although helpful, are still too general and have not touched the socio-cultural context. You can obtain the SPSS data required to follow the analyzes in the book and to do it simultaneously with the book from Your opinions are valuable to lang="EN-US">To ensure the success of science learning oriented to higher order thinking skills, especially scientific communication skills (SCS), valid and effective instruments are needed. We would like to express that the success of the effort to produce this book has come from the continued support and encouragement we receive from many academics. In this respect, it shows that there may be more than one alternative on the way to the goal. Unlike textbooks, this book aims to present different methodological applications about not only “research methods” (experimental data collection and analysis), but the whole “research process” from start to finish. In addition, the examples given about the topics in the book were first explained theoretically and then solved with SPSS and AMOS package programs. Readers can do the analysis they need and report the results by simply selecting the topic they are interested in, without examining the entire book. The book aims to introduce undergraduate and graduate students to the scientific research process and to be a companion in the analysis process. An effort has been made to focus only on the basic concepts in the book.

The book is short and concise in its design. For this purpose, attention was paid to using plain, simple, and understandable language as much as possible in the writing of the book and to supporting the examples with real research data.

The aim of the book is to support the academicians and students who do research in social sciences, for gaining competence, skills, and knowledge on statistical analysis, interpretation, and reporting. This book has been written by researchers who share the common trait of admiration for the research process.